Sunday, March 3, 2013

Different Post

So you may be wondering why this is different today. Well, thats because today is...


Happy Birthday wawa! I love ya! I hope you liked the sweedish fish and mike and ikes (even though one of the names may have been crossed out...i think they tasted the same)

                                                                                             Molly and Carley

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Almost my birthday!!!!

Hey peoples. Sorry I've been completely MIA recently. When was the last time I posted? September? Omg. Sorry. So, lots have happened. My puppy is growing up, Christmas has passed. But that stuff doesn't matter now. It's almost my birthday. February first dawg!!!! Me thinks I'm getting an iPod touch. So, if there are any of you, readers send me your numbers so i can text you! I promise to post more. #happybirthdaytome

                                                                      Molly Arey and Carley Poirier